
Oh Look, There Goes Scumbag Grayson Allen Tripping People Again

There are a few guarantees in life, sure. But one of those guarantees is you'll never love anything more than Grayson Allen loves being a scumbag. Look at that response. Thats the ultimate dickhead. That's a guy who doesn't want to do anything besides trip people. He fucking lives for it. 

Remember when K gave him an indefinite suspension for consistently tripping people? Remember how that suspension lasted 1 game because K was so desperate to win a game again? Always hilarious when Duke fans who have never left New Jersey will defend K being a guy who is a leader and cares about players. He don't give a shit. Sure looks like Grayson learned how to stop, you know, doing shit like this. You'd think this dude will chill out with the intentional tripping in the NBA, but nope, Duke scumbags stay Duke scumbags. I still want nothing more than Grayson to try to do this to someone like Marcus Morris. Try to trip the wrong guy and catch a ball to the face. 

Remember, Trae and Grayson have gotten into it before: 

You'd think if K really cared about his players, he'd do something about this. Step in and show that you care. That or just let Grayson get his ass handed to him during a game. I'm cool with either one.


Also, dude, just calm down. You're dating Morgan Reid: 


As always - fuck Duke.