Watching These BMX Bikers Go For The First Ever Quadruple Backflip Is Exhilarating
I know this girl who claims she can’t chew gum while walking. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard but she goes with it and has trouble functioning as a human being if she’s chewing gum. I say that little tidbit because I don’t think she’s the same species as these guys who are going for quadruple backflips on flimsy BMX bikes. These guys are hitting the ground from a mile up with hardly any padding at all. The falls these guys take are unreal. And she can’t even walk down the sidewalk without looking like an idiot. But some of us are just wired differently. Some people have trouble chewing gum, and some of us go out there, pedal to the medal, no holds barred, bad boys of biking.