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Harvard Astronomer Says the Giant Space Turd That Passed Earth Might Have Been Sent to Help UFOs Spy on Us

In 2017, astronomers at the Haleakala Observatory on Maui detected an object flying through our solar system in a direction that could only be the result of it traveling on an interstellar trajectory. Meaning it wasn't orbiting our sun. It came from some other star and was heading someplace beyond our ability to know where. Named 'Oumuamua, the indigenous name for "Scout," the object was only detected after it left the neighborhood, so all we got was a partial number off the rear license plate. If we'd spotted it sooner, we might have been able to send probes to observe it up close. Or at the very least, trained our equipment on it and learned more. 

One of the leading voices on the nature of 'Oumuamua has been Harvard astrophysicist Ari Loeb, one of the most brilliant men in his field. I've heard him on several podcasts discussing it in depth, including though not limited to KFCs. 

And the conclusion Prof. Loeb has reached is that 'Oumuamua is most definitely of an extrasolar (outside our solar system) origin and most likely not a natural object. And to read his latest thoughts on the matter, "Scout" might be the perfect name for this thing:

Futurist -  An ancient alien civilization may have seeded the Earth with sensors providing a readout on what it’s like within our solar system’s habitable zone, Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb suggests, and new unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) sightings might be a sign of extraterrestrials following up.

Specifically, he says the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua might have been a spacecraft sent to tune into their signals, Loeb wrote in a new Scientific American op-ed. It’s an unusual explanation linking two separate topics — ‘Oumuamua’s trajectory and recent UAP sightings — but at the very least it’s interesting to consider all the possibilities of advanced life beyond Earth. …

Loeb, who has a tendency to write about purely-theoretical extraterrestrial hypotheses with extreme confidence, deduced that the upcoming intelligence report on UAPs wouldn’t have a chance of reaching the public if the bizarre sightings represented terrestrial security threats like drones from Russia or China. Therefore, he argued, the sightings that we’ve heard about are either natural phenomena or otherworldly vehicles.

What if, Loeb then mused, the UAPs have some connection to ‘Oumuamua, an interstellar object that entered our solar system in 2017 that he repeatedly suggested might have been sent by aliens?

As possible evidence, Loeb points out that ‘Oumuamua is tumbling around as it soars through space, raising the possibility that its broader flatter surfaces contain equipment capable of picking up the signals from whatever hidden sensors earlier probes may have dropped off.

Even conceding that this is speculation by the good professor, mere conjecture in the form of a thought experiment, it's a product of one of the smartest minds in the world on the subject. Many of Einstein's ideas were all theoretical, until they were proven to be accurate by science decades later. More to the point, his theory on Scout (sorry Hawaii, but I'm tired of spelling its real name) are utterly plausible. The object is unlikely to have been made naturally. It's tumbling through space in a way that we don't see in our solar system. And we're experiencing an uptick in the number of UFO/UAP sightings. So it's perfectly plausible to connect those dots and see this thing as a probe, sent through the area to collect data from other, smaller probes. Like a net scooping up sonobuoys that were dropped by marine researchers to study currents and tides. 

And I'll add my own theory that it could be here to make contact with the whales it hasn't heard from in a while. 

Which, if that is the case, means we're screwed because our Wifi is going to be garbage until we figure it out. 

Regardless of who's right, one of the most educated people in the world or a C- community college student, at least we're having these conversations now. As recently as 2017, such talk would get you laughed out of academia and off the internet. But now, more than ever, the truth is not just out there. It's everywhere.