Olympians Finally Have Some Motivation - A Porn Site Is Offering Free Access But Only If You Win A Gold Medal

[Source] - The porn site Stripchat has a solution for those who take home a gold medal.  If they win gold all they have to do is email the site to receive a free cam show.

If you prove that you’re number one in the world at your sport, one of our sexy cam models will honor your special skills by showing you some special skills of their own.

Olympians without a Stripchat account should contact TokyoOlympics@stripchat.com, with the subject "I am an Olympian" or "I just won a gold medal," and you will receive further instructions for your free cam show.

Finally, Olympians have something to work for now. What's the point of winning the gold medal in a random event if you can't get something free out of it? We know they are already trying to limit orgies and sex in Olympic Village, but they can't limit porn. At least, I think they can't limit porn, I'm not going to pretend to know how it works over there. I also just know that these athletes are still going to bang each other, cardboard beds or not. 

You know what I really love here though? It's only for gold medals. Get your second place ass out of the free porn area and go ... watch free porn somewhere else. Bronze medal? Might as well download porn on Kazaa like the old days. 50/50 shot if you get a virus. 50/50 shot you even download the right thing. Don't medal? You should have to pay for porn. That's the way the Olympics should work with no fans, cardboard beds and everything else. Hell, let Mike Tirico talk about it just for content. 

Feel like there needs to be a better subject line though. It just reads like a Nigerian prince telling me he is going to share his fortune with me. I am an Olympian? Might have test this one out. I did play in the Keystone Games twice in high school. Technically the Olympics for Pennsylvania - shout out the Capital Region basketball team. Wonder if that counts for some free stuff, because life is always better when something is free. I don't care how much money you have or how old you are if someone offers you something for free it tends to be 'better.' I can't really describe it but we all know it's true.