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That Monster Truck Rally Seemed Like Fun Till That 1,000 Pound Wheel Rolled Off And Decapitated The Crowd

(The wheels fall off 5:03)

FINLAND - Six people, including children, have been injured after a monster truck performing at an annual Power Truck Show in Finland broke an axle during a hard landing and lost one of its massive tires – which bounced directly into a crowd of terrified spectators.

Um…can the people filming be just a little less cold and a lot more worried about the situation? That freaking boulder just went mach speed into a crowd filled with kids. A human-like reaction is acceptable in this case. And Finland, ya got OSHA over there? Cause if you do then somebody in the monster truck business should probably flee Scandinavia before someone takes their limbs as payment. When your event involves a 3-ton beast on wheels that can go awry at any second, maybe the crowd should be protected by, you know, more than simply freaking rope. No twine or drunken redneck is ever going to stop a Grave Digger in its tracks.

Yeah, these things are some scary shit.