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One Of The Creepiest Stories I’ve Ever Read: A Five Year Old Cincinnati Boy Has Convinced His Family He’s A Reincarnated Woman From Chicago Who Died In A Fire. And After Hearing What He Said, I’m Convinced Too

I know we have lots of fact-checking, and bibliographer sticklers out there. For some reason, the NY Post ran this story today. (Halloween season maybe?) But it's actually from 2015. Doesn't matter. It's still one of the freakiest things I've ever read.

NY Post - A 5-year-old boy claims that he was an African American woman killed in a fire and reincarnated. Little Luke Ruehlman spooked his parents as he began incessantly insisting that he used to be a woman named Pam when he was just 2 years old.

The young boy’s mother, Erika, told Ohio’s Fox 2 that her son began speaking of a woman named Pam from a young age, but the family didn’t know anyone by the name. One day Luke finally explained who Pam was. “He turned to me and said, ‘Well, I was,’ ” she recounted. “[He said] ‘Well, I used to be, but I died and I went up to heaven.

“I saw God and then eventually, God pushed me back down and I was a baby and you named me Luke.’ “

So I don't have a kid of my own yet, so I'm not in the know on that stuff, but what's the warranty policy on giving your kid back to the hospital? Is there an expiration date or a statute of limitations? I know Luke here was 5 when he said this but I feel like the minute he starts babbling that shit to me about dying and God pushing him back down to Earth and into a baby's body, then it's back to the baby factory he goes. 

The mother claims that her son often provided other spine-chilling details including telling his family that he traveled on a train to Chicago, but the family, who live in Cincinnati, Ohio, had never been to the city.

“He used to say, ‘When I was a girl, I had black hair’ or he would say, ‘I used to have earrings like that when I was a girl,’ ” Erika shared.

She began looking into her son’s bizarre claims when she learned of a woman named Pam Robinson, who was one of 19 people killed in a fire at Chicago’s Paxton Hotel in 1993.

When I was a little kid, I forget how old, I was over at my uncles house with my cousins. He didn’t have kids of his own so when we were with him it was anything goes. He’d let us watch anything we’d want on TV. He had all the pay channels and the Playboy Channel. But that’s besides the point. One time we were up kind of late and my cousin put on the movie “Child’s Play”.

I don’t think I’ve ever been more scarred for life.

The movie tells the story of a lonely boy who is gifted a child size doll that resembles John Gruden

But that is inhabited/possessed by a serial killer.

You can do the math as to how that unfolds but I couldn’t be in a room with dolls without freaking myself out that they were all possessed by spirits and come alive at night.

Long story short, this story is straight out of a horror movie. (I haven’t seen it, but I’m pretty sure that’s the plot for that movie “Orphan” also. In which some noble parents adopt a young girl they think is like 8 or 9 but who is actually in her 20s and is sadistic as fuck.)

Granted, this is a real human being we’re talking about, and not a doll for boys, but still.

Or you could say it’s similar to “The Sixth Sense” in that a young boy connected to the spiritual world freaks the fuck out of everybody around him.

Either way this kid is terrifying.

While filming, Luke was shown a full page of pictures with different black women in their 30s, one of whom was the late Pam Robinson. The child was asked to point to Pam and had no hesitation before choosing the right woman.

This is when you run out of the room right?

No hesitation, just sees the picture of the “vessel” his spirit traveled in, prior to being burned to death and says, that’s me idiots. Super creepy.

And I know what some of you are thinking. Who’s to say this little 5 year old isn’t just some con man prodigy? The Mozart of scams? Or whose to say his parents aren’t tapped and didn’t put him up to all this for publicity?

I had my doubts too. Then I read this part:

Erika was finally pushed to contact Pam’s family to learn more about their late family member. She discovered strange similarities between her son and Pam, including their shared love of Stevie Wonder and playing the keyboard.

Kid loves Stevie Wonder? Well that seals it. That means he’s got great taste, for one. And two, he really must be an old soul.

There’s a much longer version of the story if you go to Fox Ohio's coverage, that’s really convincing.

I’ve read places before that kids brains and consciousness doesn’t really develop until they’re 7. So that’s why the majority of us have a hard time recollecting anything in life that happened before that age. Because of that, there’s a school of thought that believes children are connected to the spiritual world, can see and communicate with them, and can sense, feel, and communicate with animals and nature.

Far out stuff.

There’s also tons of stories throughout history of people who claim to have been historical figures from the past, reincarnated.