Seth Jarvis Is Going To Set An NHL Record For Most Career Naps

Jonathan Kozub. Getty Images.

Seth Jarvis has a long NHL career ahead of him. The 13th overall pick in the 2020 NHL Draft had a great rookie season with the Canes last year, and has been playing well in Carolina's top 6 so far this year. It's hard to predict the future, but with the way this kid plays the game it isn't unlikely that he'll have another 15 or so years in the league. And as long as his career has that type of longevity, there's no doubt he'll set the all-time record for most career NHL naps. Kid is addicted to them. 

As someone who has never really been able to nap in my life, I've always been highly envious of those who could. There are only very specific situations where I can ever find myself resting my weary eyes for a little sleepy time in the middle of the day. Most often it would be on a hungover Sunday afternoon when the Eagles aren't playing until Sunday Night Football. Other than that, I've just never been able to get some midday rest. 

But Seth Jarvis? This kid lives for it. Seems like he's able to nap at any moment throughout the day. Give this man a couch, a blanket, and some ambient noise and he'll be out like a light. Doesn't matter if it's 2pm or 7pm. Sidenote: The 7pm nap sounds super sketchy to me. Those are the types of naps where you wake up at like 9pm thinking that it's 10am the next day and you've slept in. Those first 30-45 seconds while you try to collect yourself are some of the most anxiety inducing moments of your life. But I guess someone who is as elite at napping as Seth Jarvis probably has it dialed at this point where he doesn't have to deal with that. 

Either way, it seems like his numbers are at least averaging 1.00 Naps Per Day (npd). I'm sure there's a day here and there when he can't sneak one in. But then I'm sure there are also a few days where he goes off and crushes 3 or 4. At the very least I don't see him dropping off anywhere below 0.725 NPD throughout his career. That pace right there should easily be enough for him to break the record. 

By the way--I need to know what the question was to get this advocacy of naps as a response. I'd love to find out it was just a basic question about hockey that Seth Jarvis took as an invitation to talk about how much he loves naps. Like "what did you think of the team's forecheck last night?". 
