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Gus Johnson Rips A Vape When He Is On The Call

I love Gus Johnson ripping his face off right here.  Jake Marsh is watching this and almost fainted. If the camera turned to Jake during the call and he just let out a big ass cloud I would shit myself. Would be the last thing I would expect besides being offered a contract renewal. 

This is another situation seeing your teacher out at a bar thinking they have no life besides their job. When I think of Gus Johnson I think the only thing he does is announce. When he mows the lawn he starts announcing how beautiful his grass is. When he has sex he calls out every orgasm he has, the man never shuts off. 

I hope no other announcer is talking shit about Gus behind his back. Saying how unprofessional it is or some nonsense. Guess what? Gus is now the bad boy in the business. My source who I won't name (Jordan Bohannon) says ol' Gus blows clouds during warmups every single game and I love him even more now for it. But his poor partner, getting that smoke blown in your face while trying to talk is probably brutal. Hopefully Gus makes this his personality now and does it on purpose when the camera is on him. Bad boy 4 life.