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I'm Going To Be A Professional Umpire When My Days At Barstool Are Over


A few weeks back I was invited by the White Sox to take part in their umpire camp at Sox Park. It's a new event that is 100%, no-strings-attached free for anyone to sign up. At the conclusion of the camp circuit, those who run it will select 10 people for an all expense paid scholarship to their Umpire Academy in Vero Beach, FL. From then on, you can start your ascent through the minors and onto the show like a normal ballplayer would.

It was a fun time. I learned a lot just being there and messing around in the dugout, bullpen and other places in the stadium I acted like my credentials allowed me to be in. 

On that note, Eddie proved his disdain for dogs last week. Again. When he walked in and saw we had a dog in the office for a day, it was like he saw a ghost:

"Oh fuck, I gotta deal with this mutt all day? I'm gonna throw it in the frunk of my Tesla and leave him on the side of the Kennedy"

Eddie, probably

On another note, we learned how to sail last week and I further proved that I'm a better athlete than Chief. Just like when I tackled him behind the LOS and ran him over at NU's field house a few years back, I wasted him in a sailing race around a few buoys in Lake Michigan. What a clown Chief is! 

Lots on the plate coming up. Let's have ourselves a week.