After Seeing Her In Concert In The Rain, Bill Belichick Says Taylor Swift Is "Tough" While Also Pointing Out That Luke Combs Had To Cancel HIs Event Because Of Bad Weather
NBC Boston - The Swifties descended on Gillette Stadium for the Eras Tour earlier this summer, and among the crowd was Patriots head coach Bill Belichick.
On The Greg Hill Show, Belichick said he caught a bit of the Taylor Swift excitement in Foxboro, when she played through drenching rains during a Saturday in May.
“It was pretty impressive. She’s tough man, she just stood out there and played right through it,” he said, pointing out that Luke Combs, who visited later in the summer and was forced to cancel after starting his set due to severe weather, caught flak for not doing the same.
"They gave Luke a hard time because they pulled the plug on him – that was lightning, I understand that. When there’s lightning in the area we head off the field too, so I can’t really – I think he could blast through a rainstorm, he’s a pretty tough guy."
Listen, I know BB didn't necessarily come right out and say Luke Combs is a pussy for letting a little rain cancel his show at Gillette this summer, but here's the thing. When you've known how the guy operates for the past 23 years, you know how to hear what he's saying as much as what he's not saying. Some call it "reading between the lines." And I know he tried to walk it back because this was on radio, and he didn't want some smut blogger to take an innocent sound byte of his and take off running with it, but those are the breaks, and I'm just here to call things how I see them.
It's not Luke's fault he can't control the lightning, and he's afraid of thunder. You gotta kind of feel bad for the guy.
What Bill and all these other Johnny-come-lately's to the Taylor Swift bandwagon need to realize is she's built for the rain.

She not only welcomes it, she relishes it.
There's a reason the most psychotic of her and perform ritualistic rain dances before seeing her in hopes of inviting the heavens to open up and soak them. Because Taylor rewards her fans with extra songs.
When she's already playing a 3-hour show, you might think extra songs are a little excessive and unnecessary, especially when you're soaking wet, but that just means you're not a real fan like Kelly Keegs.
Belichick has never been a fan of the elements, rather, never a fan of discussing the elements. One of his more memorable quoteables came when asked by the media about inclement weather during last years training camp-
"Whatever it is it is. I can't control that. It looks like the field will be wet. If it rains, it rains. If it doesn't, it doesn't," Belichick said eloquently Thursday morning. "If it's hot, it's hot. If it's not, then that's what it is."