NFL Twitter Aggregator Dov Kleiman Was Caught Hacking Another NFL Account To Send Hateful Tweets To His Rivals
Well this is my favorite story of all time. What a ride!
For those not in the know (and I am so, SO jealous), this guy Dov Kleiman is what is called a Twitter aggregator. He doesn't break news, he just quote tweets everyone who does, writes exactly what the story is in his quote tweet, and hits send. That's it. That is what he does, and as a result he has compiled 265,000 followers. Not bad for stealing, I mean aggregating.
As a result, Dov gets a lot of hate from a lot of people, mostly journalists who say he is stealing their work for his benefit. I guess in his defense, if you can find a lane and be on top of it 24 hours a day on Twitter, good on ya. I don't know how he makes enough money off of it for it to be his full time job (if it is), but he's built a following simply RT'ing other people's news. Work smarter, not harder, I guess?
But also as it turns out, he's a ginormous fucking loser. If you didn't watch the above video, the Tl/Dw is he had access to "TheGameDayNFL" account 2 years ago, hacked his way to keeping access, and occasionally would sign in and tweet hateful things to his rivals...aka the other NFL Twitter aggregators. That is such a preposterous move, to code a hack of TweetDeck, to log into an account with 30k followers, to hate-tweet guys who do the exact thing as you. It's sort of like the Connor Stallions situation, it's so insane, and obsessive, and so over the top you respect it at some level. Dov wants to be the top RT'er of NFL stories to the point he would hack another account to try to discredit his ops. Absolute insane person behavior. I feel him stealing my ss # just for typing that.
Crazy fucking story. It's very "this is the internet". I love that on our little corner of the internet something this wild/funny/ridiculous/pointless happens. It also reminds me of the "The King Of Kong" documentary about rival Donkey Kong players (you may have seen or heard of Billy Mitchell on Barstool, he's the villain of the documentary and I bet him and Dov would hit it off wonderfully).
Just another day on this marble. Dudes hacking other dudes Twitters. And meanwhile, Dov is just tweeting through it like nothing happened. He has denied it was him:
In the wake of that video, Awful Announcing reached out to Kleiman for comment. Kleiman said he did not tweet from the @TheGameDayNFL account following that brief authorized one-game access the group here discusses. He said they did not reach out to him for comment before posting this video, said their video doesn’t live up to its headline claims of “hack,” said their discussion of his access three years ago is not proof he sent any further tweets, and theorized that they’re targeting him for attention. He also said he didn’t respond on his own platform to not provide them extra attention. “They want to play a game.. but I can’t play a game with someone that admittedly lies.”