Larry David Correctly Predicted That The NBA's In-Season Tournament Would Throw Off The Lakers And Lead To Their Downfall

From The Bill Simmons Podcast - Simmons: “I did text Larry David to see if he’d do a surprise pop-on, and his return text was ‘I’m working out, ask Doc how I predicted what would happen to Lakers after that idiotic play-in’
Doc Rivers: “He’s almost excited about being right. We were golfing last week and I think it was on the second hole he looks at me and goes ‘Are you gonna give me any credit?’ And I said credit for what? And he’s like ‘I told you that the Lakers are going to win this in season tournament and then they would go right down.’”
He thinks it’s unnatural to ramp up at this time of the year, and then right after it you have 60 games left and he kept saying whoever wins is going to go into a tail spin, it’s just emotionally they have to….so he kinda did predict it
This is why Larry David is the absolute best and clearly one of the sharpest NBA minds out there. He is a Knicks fan but obviously if you watch Curb you know goes to the Lakers game and even trips Shaq.
For a fan like myself who really doesn't give a shit about the NBA until the Playoffs, the in-season tournament got people talking and caring about games they normally wouldn't bother with. I feel like it did its job of adding another element to the long NBA season. Larry is right though they were playing like it was the playoffs, excreting so much energy for absolutely no reason. Once that's over and you've spent so much emotion into winning it all, you're poised to have a letdown with so many games left in the season.
I think Larry's life is actually like Curb and he is just like all of us thinking he can run a team. Can't you see an episode in the upcoming season where he's just harassing Doc Rivers on the golf course about the Lakers? There is also nothing better than being right about a take in sports, especially when you hate something. I feel like he is texting everyone, and even when he gets coffee he is mentioning you see the Lakers suck after that stupid ass tournament. Just muttering to himself on the couch while he watches the in season tournament even though he hated it.
All in all anything Larry does makes me laugh so fucking much because I feel like he fixates on little things. He'll never move on from this in-season tournament. Adam Silver has infiltrated his brain. Mission accomplished.
P.S. I can't seem him being a work out guy