"Bitch Boy...I Hate Them. All Of Them. I Feel Like They Play The Sport To Try To Be Cool" - Bills Offensive Lineman Dion Dawkins Unloaded On Michael Clemons And The Jets Defensive Line

Let me be the first person to thank Dion Dawkins for dropping this nuke from the clouds to break up the monotony of the NFL offseason. I can only read about which players are/aren't going to fly to Indianapolis for so long before we get 10 million different mock drafts that essentially have the same picks and reheated takes once the underwear olympics are over.

Anyway, these are the kind of quotes you should hear when a player is talking about their division rivals. I don't know if free agency, PR reps, or the bonanza of money that has been pumped into sports over the last few decades has turned players into cliche spitters once an opponent is mentioned. But I can guarantee every player feels like this about someone they always line up in the trenches against and every fan loves to hear it. 

There is probably a healthy respect for some of the best players, like Quinnen Williams being verified, which has to feel good if you are Quinnen. However there are probably a shit ton of Michael Clemons' that everyone thinks is a bitch. I personally don't follow the Jets, haven't grinded tape like Steven Cheah, and there is no Bitch Rating in Madden. So I guess I have to take Dion Dawkins' word for it that Clemons is a bitch until proven different. 

No matter what the Bitch Boy verdict is, Dawkins taking on Clemons and the Jets defensive line after calling all of them out instantly makes the Bills/Jets game that will inevitably be in prime time no matter how bad the Jets season due to some calamity none of us can possibly imagine a Must Watch, which should stop Goodell and his Park Ave. stooges from trying to stop this type of shit talking.

Giphy Images.

I also never thought professional athletes played their respective sports to be cool. Maybe that was the case in high school or even college. But I think the .0000001% of players that were able to go pro did so because making millions to play a kids game in your 20s beats the hell out of taking an entry level job in whatever you majored in during college along with how crazy it would be to throw away the genetic lottery ticket God gave you along with the hard work you put in your whole life. The coolness and Instagram pictures hopefully come after all that. But money comes first. At least that's just what me, an idiot blogger who never had any business being near a football field without paying for a ticket first, thought.

Speaking of which, if you want to watch people that are doing a combine for the love of the (content) game, check out the Barstool Combine live from Chitown.