This Girl Is Going Viral for Wailing Uncontrollably When Taylor Swift Played Her Favorite Song

Uhh ... wow.

Look, I'm not here to shame anybody for what they like. If Taylor Swift is your thing, I think that's awesome. And I don't know what this girl means when she says this song "saved her life." But I think anyone being remotely objective can agree this is the most insane reaction to anything that has ever happened. I have to imagine even the most ardent of Swifties would not defend this behavior.

Note: I spoke to several massive T-Swift fans and they all agreed this is insane.

The girl on the right is a much better friend than I am because she somehow held it together despite being remarkably close to losing it. She couldn't believe what she was watching.

Both of the friends seemed prepared for this to happen, though. I'd guess that's because they've seen similar things to this happen before, but the camera being set up in preparation for the meltdown was probably a good clue, as well.

I'd honestly be relieved to find out this was fake, but even while the camera was set up waiting for this to happen and be posted online for some reason, you can't fake that kind of sob. That's the kind of cry you hear from someone whose mom just died — or, I guess, someone who just heard a Taylor Swift song.

I don't know, man. I hope this girl is doing alright.