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Adam Sandler Being Scared Shitless To Say Hi To Paul McCarney Reminds You Just How Unbelievably Famous He Is

This week's guest on Conan O'Brien's podcast was none other than the Sandman, Adam Sandler, so I decided to give it a listen and by give it a listen I mean watch the clips they posted on the inter webs which surely did not disappoint as the Sandman is one of the few human beings roaming this floating rock we live on that never disappoints. You could sit here and maybe argue that That's My Boy or Jack & Jill disappoints, but guess what? You'd still be incorrect. ANYWAY though this clip was awesome as I always enjoy hearing stories about huge celebrities being scared to talk to other huge celebrities as in this one they discuss Conan meeting Pacino & John Elway and Sandman with an all-time stud in James Caan and obviously most importantly Paul McCartney where he tells a fucking hilarious story.

Seems like recently the Sandman was out at a restaurant in LA with his wife and friends when he was told Sir Paul was coming in for dinner. Now you gotta imagine everyone in the Sandman entourage is immediately summoning him as the person to go over and sal hello to Paul McCartney for obvious reasons so the pressure must have been immense. Friends counting on you. A potential friendship with the greatest living Beatle possible. It's no wonder the Sandman tried and failed THREE TIMES though that just proves to you just how goddamn famous Paul McCartney is. Dude has literal living legends quivering at their boots at the idea of going over to say hi. Impressive stuff. Who's to say Paul isn't a massive Billy Madison fan though, huh?!?