
Beef Escalated: Shooting Takes Place Outside Of Drake's Toronto Home At 2am This Morning, One Man Taken To Hospital with Serious Injuries (Not Drake)

Too far! Too far everybody! What an incredibly quickly escalating rap beef. Feels like just yesterday J. Cole was rapping about him Drake, and Kendrick Lamar being the Big 3 of rap. Minutes later Kendrick Lamar is addressing members Drake's family, alleging that he has a second illegitimate child, and of course the cherry on top, calling Drake a pedophile (which left Drake no choice but to go full Frank Reynolds and write what I'm assuming is the first ever, "I don't fuck kids" themed rap song).

And somewhere in the middle of all that Drake called Kendrick Lamar short. At least you got that jab in there Drake. 

I thought that would be the end of it. I thought maybe there would be another song or two that trickled in. But I think the rule of thumb when it comes to rap beef is when you can force your opponent into writing a song in which they use 80% of their lyrics to deny their own pedophilia, that means you win. I mean what left is there to do other than kill the guy.  

Is this whole thing a coincidence that has nothing to do with the Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef whatsoever? Idk. It seems a little too coincidental for a shooting to take place directly outside of Drake's house in the midst of all this. There can't be many shootings that go down in Drake's neighborhood of Bridal Path. All the houses are gated. All the cars are luxury. Clearly at this point in Drake's life he's not living in a high crime area. Drake's address is extremely public. Kendrick Lamar literally used an arial shot of Drake's mansion for the cover of Not Like Us.

From the brief research I've done, it sounds like people are driving past his home all the time just to get a glimpse of his mansion. At minimum, I'm sure whoever was involved in the shooting at least knew where they were.

There was reportedly another shooting 9 miles away in a neighborhood in Oakwood Village that some people are sepculating might be related to this, but that seems like a hell of a long shot.

I'm sure it's not anybody from Kendrick's circle coming at Drake. Drake wasn't even home at the time. It's seems far more likely that the shooting with set up by both of them just to escalate this whole thing even further. Or by Drake to garner sympathy maybe. Throughout the course of this entire rap battle, I can't help but think this entire thing has been manufactured by the two of them for the jump.


I supposed when you start throwing around pedophile accusations, things can get a little crazy. From what I've heard, people don't take kindly to pedophiles. Is it possible the shooter is just some random rap fan who heard what Kendrick Lamar said about Drake, became enraged, then drove to Drake's home to take care of it himself. Did he think the random old man he nearly killed was actually Drake? Who fucking knows. I'm just speculating wildly along with the rest of the internet at this point.

Almost zero details about the shooting have been released. All we know is that it happened outside of Drake's home, the shooter fled in a non-descript vehicle, and the man who was shot  (not Drake) was taken to the hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries. The area around Drake's home is now roped off with police tape. What a rap battle we have on our hands.