
Five Men Have Been Convicted Of Running An Illegal Streaming Service Called "Jetflicks" For The Over 10 Years That Was Larger Than Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Combined

So the way this story goes is that these five dudes started an illegal streaming website back in 2007 called "Jetflicks". And I must say, while I do not promote crime, I do promote a good brand name. That's an excellent name for an illegal streaming service. And not only was it a good name, it was also a great product. They used sophisticated computer scripts to scour pirated websites, then downloaded those videos and making them available on their website. It is said that the service housed hundreds of thousands of television episodes, making it larger than Netflix, Prime, and Hulu combined. And my favorite part (that may have bit them in the backside in the end), is they charged $10 a month for it.

Now how many people do you think paid for this service? I'm well aware that illegal streams are a thing, but how many people are paying for illegal streams? I have a strict policy that I'll watch anything for free, but as soon as you charge, it cannot be pirated and/or illegal and/or sexual. PornHub all day, but Brazzers? Against my code! Anyways, the number is.......MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF PROFITS were raised by these five because tens of thousands of people per month were subscribing. 

Giphy Images.

I fucking LOVE a good money making scheme. I was asked the other day if I was money hungry? Uhhh, duh? And the idea of letting a computer script make me millions has my full interest and attention. But if you're going to do something so illegal, it's probably best to make sure of a couple things:

- You make sure you cannot get caught

- You operate it outside of the United States

And these five men were 0/2 on those stipulations. They got caught, and their dumbasses did it out of Las Vegas, meaning the US Court System is about to fuck them pretty hard. Four of them are looking at 5 years in prison, while the 5th is looking at…..48 years in prison. They say don't do the crime if you can't do the crime, but that seems a little steep for providing the country with a cheaper alternative to the rising prices of streaming services.

Can we get a Social Network type movie about how this whole thing worked?