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Inside The NBA Is Now On Life Support After Adam Silver And The NBA Reject Warner Bros Attempt To Match Amazon's $1.8B TV Rights Offer

Hey Adam Silver

Giphy Images.

I'm not sure if we can officially call this the death of Inside The NBA, but it's certainly looking like that's where we're headed. I imagine Warner Bros will now take the NBA to court and fight this ruling stating a whole bunch of legal jargon that I don't understand and this is only the beginning. 

Reading this statement I'm not sure who I should be mad at. Should we be mad at Adam Silver and the NBA for rejecting the matching offer which essentially kills Inside The NBA, or should we be mad at Warner Bros for not actually matching the terms of Amazon's offer? How do you not go band for band on that if you're trying to keep the NBA? I have to think they were told all the details surrounding the offer, so what's the point of "matching it" if you aren't actually going to match it?

Am I reading that right, because that's how I'm interpreting this statement. For all we know it's the NBA covering their own ass and trying to find a way to go with Amazon anyway, which is why this is most likely going to court. 

Can you imagine the hot seat of the person who was in charge of putting together that offer? Maybe they missed the fine print by accident or something along those lines. Wooo buddy that person has to be nervous as hell right now. Unless there was something the higher ups at Warner Bros knew wasn't in their offer that was included in Amazon's, that's an all time fumble. I'd say it's still a fumble anyways, because I cannot understand now fully matching what Amazon was willing to put up if your intentions were to keep the NBA on TNT. I'm not a huge business dealings guy, but that feels like an important step.

Goal: Keep the NBA on TNT

Step 1: Read the details surrounding Amazon's offer

Step 2: Don't be poor

Step 3: Match every part of Amazon's offer

Step 4: Keep the NBA

Pretty sure you don't need to go to Harvard Business School to follow that process, but maybe I'm oversimplifying it (I'm definitely oversimplifying it)

To me it sounds more like Adam Silver and the NBA figure Amazon and streaming is the future, and they want to start making that transition now as opposed to keeping things on TNT, and this is their excuse to help make that happen. It seems like something that's pretty easy to prove in court, so what happens next? Can the NBA be bullied into keeping things on TNT? Is Warner Bros shit out of luck? The whole thing just sucks for us fans which it would be nice if Adam Silver cared about, but we know how that works. He doesn't work for us, he works for the owners.


So until this all gets figured out, we may as well assume this is it for Inside The NBA. What a crazy sentence to type and truly an end of an era