Multiple Charger Players Were Stuck In A Dallas Elevator And Had To Escape Through A Ceiling Panel Last Night

(ESPN) Several Los Angeles Chargers players and other members of the traveling party crawled through a ceiling panel to escape a stuck hotel elevator Friday night in Dallas.

A source told ESPN's Kris Rhim that Chargers coach Jim Harbaugh invited all the Dallas Fire-Rescue staff to the team meal room to eat afterward.

How uplifting! Or maybe not, I guess. 

At this point, I’m just happy that all this chargering shit is getting out of the way early (knock on wood). Stabbing players in the lungs, escaping elevators things of that nature are just not what you want going on during the regular season. And you know what, maybe there are some good football experience they can get out of this. 

Refusing to be let down. Using upper body strength to get through the hole. Escaping to the second level. All phenomenal for the game we love.

I also think that we got some great karma out of this from Jim Harbaugh inviting the Dallas rescue crew to the team dinner. Being stuck on an elevator is nightmare fuel, and being forced to escape through the hatch would be even worse for my rotted out movie brain. All I would be able to think of is that one scene from Mission Impossible where Emilio Estevez ate it.

So as much as I hate the city of Dallas for not maintaining their elevators, I am very grateful for the fellas for rescuing my sweet boys (unless they rescued Quentin Johnson (parody)).