
Malasek Has A Clear Top 5 Contestants In His Dating Show, But Will A Wild Card Make A Run?

The Malasek dating show has been occupying The Yak this week and as a guy who accepted the submissions, we've got a great crop of candidates. Jake is a lucky guy. 

But after this week, I also think he might actually be the worst. Yesterday he dinged a woman for working at Google.

Today was looking at people's bedrooms and hearing their voices and this was a man that did not like studio apartments.

He was a wee bit picky on windows as well…

One of his frontrunner swept him off his feet with her voice and room.

But we also had a late entrant that I personally missed that we added back into the pool that reached out to me last night. She submitted an application on time and now is making a serious run for the crown.


Tomorrow we've got much more so be sure to tune in! And catch today's full Yak here: