
Today Is The Final A's Game Ever To Be Played In The Coliseum And MLB As Well As The Team Have Told The Players "To Just Get Out" After It's Over

ABC News - The  A's began their final homestand of their final season in Oakland on Friday night, and nobody can predict what might take place over the next six games and seven days. After 57 seasons in the Coliseum, there will be emotion, but how that emotion will manifest itself is the main question on everyone's mind.

"We've heard some rumblings, and we're going to have some more meetings about it," said left fielder  Seth Brown, who, in his sixth season, is the longest-tenured Athletic. "The fans have always supported us, and we just hope they support us in a positive manner. We want everyone to come out and enjoy the time and give it its last hurrah, and at the same time we're hoping it's done the right way."

The final game, on Thursday afternoon, will be the final major professional game in Oakland, which has lost three major franchises -- the  Warriors, the  Raiders and now the A's -- in five years.

Fans in Oakland have staged numerous protests aimed at owner John Fisher, who pulled out of a massive development deal in Oakland in April 2023 and announced the move to Las Vegas. There was a highly publicized "reverse boycott" last year and an Opening Day parking lot boycott -- where fans congregated in the parking lot but refused to enter the stadium -- this season.

"The last three games are going to be pretty epic for us and the fan base," outfielder  JJ Bleday said. "I'm kind of looking forward to it, though. It'll be exciting to play some games with a crowd. Obviously, I feel bad for the fan base, but we'll be a part of history."

The A's have instituted some precautions for the final homestand, alerting the players to be aware of their surroundings in case fans decide to take the field. Players have also been told not to gather for photographs with family on the field after games. "Just get on out of there," Bleday said.

It's been WELL documented here on Barstool SPORTS just got much A's owner John Fisher sucks. And that's just by our east coast writers we have. 

Imagine if we still had Nickinsider and the west coast boys... How many more anti-Fisher blogs would there be on this site?

You almost gotta respect what a pile of shit this guy is though. He is excessively hated, he has to know how much he is hated, and he still doesn't care. In fact he relishes in it. 

How else can you explain him not only jacking up ticket prices today for the A's final game in Oakland? Egregiously might I add. 


But then ALSO letting fans know the Coliseum is going to have security out the ass and that anybody attemping to take seats or paraphernalia from the stadium will be prosecuted. 

This asshole wouldn't put a dime into fixing this crumbling ballpark for years, but now he cares about everything in it that's falling apart and held together with duct tape? 

On second thought, considering what Browns fan's did back in 1995, ripping entire columns of railings and seats out, throwing them onto the field, and setting fires, maybe the extra security is a good idea. 

For the fans' sake, and in spite of that asshole John Fisher, I hope the players do the classy thing and take a page out the Montreal Expos, and Tim Rock Raines' playbook. 

p.s. - if you didn't read my blog on what a tiny, little, feeble man John Fisher is- a guy who was born on third base, and is still there, and you want to know what a heartless, money obsessed, incompetent mamaluk he really is, read it. 


Or you can read this fan's EXCELLENT post about him and what he did to the Oakland faithful.

The final series of the A’s playing in both Oakland and the Coliseum begins tonight.

Here is what EVERYONE needs to remember ⬇️

Never forget the A’s would’ve had a new stadium in Oakland 20 years ago had Bud Selig not blocked the sale of the A’s to Andy Dolich and Bob Piccinini in 1999.

Never forget Selig also blocked sales to Joe Lacob, Peter Guber, Reggie Jackson/Bill Gates, etc. 

Never forget Steve Schott and Ken Hofmann made zero effort to build in Oakland from 1995-2005. Instead they commissioned a study on Vegas and then invested all their time in Santa Clara.

Never forget the A’s are only owned by John Fisher because they were sold to him and his business partner Lew Wolff only because Wolff was a college buddy and old friend of Selig.

Never forget Lew Wolff’s 2005 plan for a ballpark in Oakland was nonsensical and would’ve required evicting 80+ tenants and building a new BART station. The plan was immediately abandoned by the A’s.

Never forget the A’s wasting the remainder of 2005 all the way to 2009 on Fremont and then 2010 to 2016 on San Jose.

Never forget the A’s nonsensical Peralta site plan in 2017 where the A’s failed to talk to the college board prior to the announcement.

Never forget the A’s choosing Howard Terminal in November 2018, and insisting on the most complex project possible ($12 billion with TONS of ancillary development). Oakland did everything that was asked of them, yet the A’s moved the goalposts every time. The A’s also dragged their feet and missed deadlines. The A’s also refused to compromise on anything, including with their potential maritime neighbors.

Never forget the Coliseum site was an “assured backup route for a ballpark in Oakland”, and MLB threatened to relocate the A’s if Oakland didn’t sell their half of the site and didn’t drop their lawsuit against Alameda County (who had violated Surplus Land Act with their sale of their half), but when Oakland dropped the suit, Oakland began talks to sell their half with the A’s, and Alameda County’s sale went through, the Coliseum was suddenly “not viable”.

Never forget there is PROOF the A’s made up their mind to go to Vegas in 2021, and wasted 2 years of Oakland’s time and money on the Howard Terminal project. When the A’s realized Oakland was close to a deal, thanks to Oakland’s hard work on the project, the A’s ran away from the negotiating table and did so in the most unprofessional manner possible.

Never forget ancillary development was always a must for a Oakland ballpark, but it isn’t for them in Vegas. 

Never forget the A’s had to own the site & ballpark for a Oakland ballpark, but they don’t need to in Vegas. 

Never forget Fisher wasn’t willing to sell a stake in the team in Oakland to get a ballpark done there, but he’s willing to do so for Vegas.

TLDR: It’s always been John Fisher, other A’s owners, and MLB at fault. Theres MOUNTAINS of evidence! If you are still blaming Oakland or A’s fans, you are being willfully ignorant!