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MUST WATCH: Crazy Awkward Exchange While On Air Between NBA TV Hosts Chris Miles and Sam Mitchell Over Paychecks And Threats To Leak Addresses

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Love it.

Anytime an old timer exerts their dominance, and puts a young wanna-be hot shot in their place, it warms my heart. 

I have nothing against Chris Miles at all, (honestly had never heard his name until 5 minutes ago), but Sam Mitchell is not a man to be trifled with. 

And I think it’s safe to say Chris Miles found that out the hard way tonight. 

It really doesn’t get more awkward than that. 

The attempted  fake laugh to try and brush it off like you were just playing around. We’ve all been there before. It’s excruciating and the feeling makes you want to climb out of your skin.

And Mitchell didn’t let it go. 

In fact when they came back from the break he did in fact drop Miles’ address AND asked him if he “had the pool put in yet?”

Welcome to thunderdome Chris.

Fuckin savage. 

That my friends is clearly a man with a lot of pent up anger who was just waiting for somebody to give him a reason.

P.s.- people forget Sam Mitchell was once named coach of the year and fired a year later.