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It's Hard To Believe This Nickelback-Backed 'Batman Begins' Trailer Is Real

That above TV spot for 'Batman Begins' - with Nickelback's "Someday" behind it - is going semi-viral with nerds right now, because quite frankly, it's hard to believe it exists. It's so strange and tonally clashes with the actual 'Batman Begins' movie to such an unbelievable degree it's insane. Nickelback, love them or hate them, just doesn't belong on a Batman soundtrack ever (stick to Spider-Man, Chad) and the Katie Holmes-Rachel Dawes quotes overlayed make it seem like some kinda romantic epic. It's less 'Batman Begins' and more 'One Tree Hill'! 

It's probably still not as bad as this ABC Family TV spot for the same movie, though, which features the iconic line: "He fights for family, and lives for love."

I don't know who the fuck wrote that line, but they sure as shit don't know jack about Bruce Wayne! I'll tell ya that much!

It's hysterical to me that someone received the assignment "Edit a Batman Begins trailer that makes it look like the movie is an ABC Family Original" at some point, though - and hell, they kinda nailed it? I mean, obviously, it doesn't sell ya on the flick like a normal Christopher Nolan trailer would, but that might convince my mom to check it out if she caught that teaser on TV!

P.S. While we're on the topic of superhero trailers - and awaiting the new Superman teaser on Thursday, I've got a few takes I'd like to get off my chest.

Take 1: I still think the trailer for 'The Dark Knight' is the GOAT....

….but 'The Batman' going with Nirvana right off the jump really tickled me….

Take 2: Zack Snyder trailers have so much aura they're oftentimes better than the eventual movie itself. Case in point: 'WATCHMEN' with Smashing Pumpkins in the background….


INCREDIBLE trailer. One of my favorites. Good movie, but nothing could've lived up to that trailer. 'Man of Steel' even has a fantastic one….

….though it gets a bit confusing when you realize that kid isn't pretending to be Superman, it's Clark pretending to be….his future self, I guess? Just don't think about it too much.

Take 3: On the Marvel side, I'll never forgive the first 'Age of Ultron' teaser hyping a much darker movie than we got, and setting my expectations WAY too high for the 'Avengers' sequel….

Take 4: I don't think anything comes close to the second trailer for 'Captain America: Civil War' which showed Tom Holland's Spider-Man for the very first time….

I think the 'Avengers: Endgame' trailer came close, given the hype levels that movie had….


….and the 'Logan' one with Johnny Cash is phenomenal as well….

….but that 'Civil War' one is still Marvel's best in my opinion. Those are my takes. 

What are your favorite superhero movie trailers?