'We're Used To Being Treated Like This By The League ' - Chris Collins, Rightfully Making Fun Of The Big 10 After Northwestern Had To Stay In A Hotel With No A/C
There is nothing and I mean nothing worse than sitting in a hot hotel room. You get in that room and the first thing any normal person does it put the temperature as low as possible. Every single person does this because hot hotel rooms are awful and we're just regular people. You don't want to do this as an athlete. You want to come home to a comfortable room and get some sleep before a Big 10 Tournament game. I do love this from Collins though. You're Northwestern, why not throw a complaint or two out there? I won't say it's a typical Duke guy move, I'm bigger than that. But it's a great complaint and funnier to throw it out there, even in a joking fashion.
We need a full investigation into this. Are other teams dealing with this? If not, then it's the most legitimate complaint one can have. You need your team thinking about Minnesota, not whether or not they can sleep under the covers. Again, nothing better than sleeping in a cold room. Roll me up like a burrito and let me freeze until I get under the covers. More than fair from Collins.