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Middle School QB Makes An Incredible Play To Escape A Tackle Then Throws A Strike To His Receiver


Football is almost here and I’m ready.  So are you.  College football is less than two weeks away.  I can taste it in the air.  The temperature has been dipping.  You can feel it.  I’m to the point now where I’ll watch any type of football you put in front of me.  Preseason football?  Sure I’m in.  Late-night replays of games that I know the outcomes of?  Sign me up.  Middle school football where the quarterback makes a miraculous play to avoid getting tackled and goes on to throw a touchdown?  Absolutely.  All of the above.  Give me all of it until we officially kick off the season.  That was a great play from that kid made possible by a shitty tackle.  Gotta wrap up! Eyes to sky. Drive those hips.  I’m looking to fulfill my football fix so badly that I’m thinking about going to watch my old high school play tonight at the nearby stadium. I expect roses to be thrown at my feet.