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A Bald Eagle With a GoPro Flying Around The Texans Stadium During The National Anthem Is Getting Me Fired Up


Oh fuck yea!!! USA! USA! USA! Thanksgiving Week is awesome. I am so fired up for stuffing and mashed potatoes right now I can taste it. I can basically feel the couch and early football games and 8-15 miller lites. All thanks to this bald eagle with a GoPro flying around during the National Anthem. Hard to get more Thanksgiving than that. This video has our forefathers sprouting boners in their graves. Betsy Ross is getting leaky. And the pilgrims? Nothing but respect. And how about this eagle? What a boss. How he knew to just circle around the stadium, get some sweet shots of the flag with the GoPro, and then land on the stick is amazing. I think the eagle is the smartest person of all time? Probably.