High School Kid Makes One Of The Most Ridiculous Punt Returns I've Seen In a Long Time
USA Today - Desmon Richards is a senior running back and cornerback for Lakeside High in Eufala, Ala. He’s a heck of an athlete, as he showcased on this incredible touchdown return on a punt in Lakeside’s 21-8 victory against Coosa Valley.
Outrageousssss punt return. I was watching one guy on defense who missed a tackle 3 different times. Desmon Richards, the punt returner, juked him, ran around in a circle, came back, and juked him again. Can’t feel good. Think you got a guy once, he makes you dive at the air and tackle the ground, and then you get redemption and he makes you do the same thing two more times. That’s just one of those plays where Desmon Richards threw everything against the wall and it all stuck. Nobody should be able to run around in circles like that then get a clean break to the endzone. But some good blocking, some really bad attempts at tackles, and his shifty ass jukes later, it’s 6 points in the end zone and a video blowing up across the internet.