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Reports Say USC Put Coach Steve Sarkisian On A Leave Of Absence After He Was 'In No Condition' To Coach This Morning

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One minute later, half-jokingly I said:



And then…


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And this sums up the last few years of being a USC football fan. Coaches fired on tarmacs, coaches no-showing bowl games because they were butthurt they didn’t get promoted after winning a few games thanks to bringing cookies back to the team cafeteria, coaches slurring on some sort of pill/booze combo at booster speeches and now this with Coach Sark doing a full Shooter in Hoosiers and stumbling onto the practice field expecting to shape some youths into men. I want to be sad — and frankly focus my attention on my preferred NFL team biding their time until getting embarrassed by the undefeated boogeyman of the NFL right now — and I hope Sark gets the help he needs because if your escape from life into booze and pills keeps you from being functional at a high profile job like USC’s head coach, you need it. But this is just the reality of what being a USC fan is right now. Clusterfucks on top of clusterfucks.


Here’s to the glory days of USC. ? I will remember youuuuuu… ?



Hopefully Pete Carroll didn’t jerk off on a towel in a Cincinnati hotel somewhere this morning because if Pat Haden is still USC’s AD after this debacle, that towel would be the heads on favorite to be the new head coach. Gotta keep it in the Trojan fam.