Cards Against Humanity Made $71,145 On Black Friday Selling Absolutely Nothing

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Yahoo - This past Black Friday, the so-called “party game for horrible people” Cards Against Humanity had a hilariously bizarre deal: Give them $5 and get absolutely nothing in return. In a blog post today, Cards Against Humanity’s founders revealed that this stunt made the company $71,145, with 11,248 giving $5, and 1,119 people giving more than that. One guy even gave $100. All for literally nothing. 

“This promotion was a huge risk – we had no idea if it would get a positive or negative response, or any response at all,” Cards Against Humanity co-creator Max Temkin tells Business Insider. Temkin also says that while the long-term impact of this sale remains to be seen, traffic to the Cards Against Humanity site has been “very healthy this weekend.”  “There’s been a lot of speculation about how we would spend the money from Black Friday, and we’re happy to announce that this time, we kept it all. Here’s what we bought,” Cards Against Humanity writes in the blog post. While Cards Against Humanity actually has a history of making big donations to charitable causes, this time, they used the cash more selfishly, splitting it evenly among its 17 employees for about $4,185 each.  It then goes on to break down what employees actually bought with their windfalls. “It’s been really fun seeing everyone react to our employee’s shopping list. We go out of our way to hire generous, funny, well-rounded, and diverse people, and they did an amazing job with their holiday spending (which we dropped on them pretty suddenly as the Black Friday promotion started blowing up),” Temkin says.


Not a bad haul. Surprised Portnoy didn’t come up with this first. Maybe then he wouldn’t have to rent a house every summer like a poor (not that anyone would give him money anyway, but theoretically if people liked him). $71,145 in a day, averaging $5 per donation, in exchange for nothing. Nothing at all. Props to Cards Against Humanity for winning at life. They took the same dick jokes you make with your buddies into a board game, created an empire, and now are straight up taking money from people who just wanted to hand them money for no reason so they can buy whatever they want.

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Pretty funny that most everyone donated money to charity. I can’t imagine the pressure they felt. Probably whispers around the office about who was donating how much to which charity. Nobody actually wants to donate to charity, but once the ball starts rolling and the first domino falls, everyone then has to donate to charity. Fucking sucks. But getting a hair over 4k to do what you want with, doesn’t sound too bad. I’d probably do something lame like lose a grand at the casino, get sad, and then pay off more student loans, pretty similar to this chick’s description:

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Of course I wasn’t that dumb to get all sorts of degrees, but similar sentiments.

PS: Buy a shirt. It takes a real loser to give a board game money for nothing. A true winner gives them the finger by giving us money for tshirts.