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Father/Son Duo Arrested For Stealing $41,000 Worth Of Chicken Wings Then Selling Them On The Street

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SYRACUSE, NY — Paul Rojek promised Onondaga County Judge Anthony Aloi in early September that he would not commit another crime for at least three years as a condition of his sentence for stealing thousands of dollars of food items from Dominick’s, the restaurant he worked at as a cook. But police say Rojek and his son were, at that point, seven months into the exact same type of scam at Rojek’s new restaurant, Twin Trees Too. Police said Monday that Rojek, 56, and son Joshua Rojek, 33, stole $41,000 worth of chicken wings from the restaurant and later sold them “on the street” and to other establishments over the course of nine months or so. Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Jon Seeber said the United States Department of Agriculture was notified about at least one establishment that bought the stolen goods “due to the chicken being transported improperly.” However, a spokeswoman for the federal department said Tuesday it was unaware of the issue.





Father and son boding time is important. It doesn’t really matter what the activity is as long as you’re spending quality time with the man who shot you out of his penis and into your Mom’s vagina. The bonding time can be fishing, watching sports, working on cars, smoking cigars next to the stage at a strip club or any other cliche male bonding activity. Or maybe even scamming a restaurant and stealing $41,000 worth of chicken wings and selling them for profit on the street.  By the way, who are these lunatics buying hot (pun intended) wings off the street?  Those are the real criminals we should be throwing in jail. The people looking for hot wings on the black market.  I’ll eat just about any chicken wing anywhere. Wings are an American tradition.  Put a big basket of wings and a couple giant beers in front of me and I’ll sing the national anthem at the top of my lungs as I eat them. Wings are so fucking good. But I think I draw the line at buying stolen chicken wings off the street from a sketchy-looking father/son combo so I can save a few pennies. That’s just a personal rule I have that I just came up with. I don’t need wings that badly. And if I do, I’ll simply go to any restaurant thats ever existed and order non-stolen wings.