I Love That McDonald's Is Testing Out Mac And Cheese As A Potential Addition To Their Full-Time Menu
Brand Eating- McDonald’s is trying out new Mac & Cheese out in Ohio. Available for a limited time, the new menu item is available either a-la-cart or as a Happy Meal entree in at least one location in Cleveland, OH. The price for McDonald’s Mac & Cheese alone is $1.75.
So there are two ways to go about thinking about mac and cheese being available at McDonald’s. The first is that you know Mickey D’s is probably going to load that shit up with so much chemicals, preservatives and fat that it will taste AWESOME. Anyone that lived on Easy Mac in college knows how good a cheap, fake mac and cheese can be if done right. Now I am not sure what to think about the good people of Cleveland being the guinea pigs for this experiment. Part of me thinks McDonald’s maybe wants to bring some cheer to the area after another Browns season. Part of me thinks that if something goes horribly wrong with the ingredients, it’ll just be another miserable mistake that took place in Cleveland. I clearly hope it’s the former, but we all know how people view Cleveland.
But, don’t overlook one key part of the equation here. The wheelhouse for McDonald’s is food you eat with your hands. You throw a utensil into the mix, shit could get real hairy real fast. I mean the sundaes and parfaits are great (just kidding, I never eat parfaits there. Way too healthy in my mind). But sometimes you need to just stay in your lane as a fast food chain. You don’t want to start doing more than you can handle. Like remember when Willie Mays Hayes started acting in movies and his performance on the field struggled because of it? That’s potentially the same issue for McDonald’s here. If the mac and cheese flops, stick with the stuff you can fry and eat with your hands.