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Pussification Of America - Evanston Baseball Team Pulled From Playoffs Over "Sexting" Controversey


(source) The athletic director of Evanston Township High School has pulled the varsity baseball team from the state playoffs after “inappropriate photos” of girls at the school were distributed among some players, officials said.

The team was supposed to play Taft High School in the first round of playoffs Friday evening. But the school informed the Illinois High School Association that it would forfeit the game — and hence the playoffs — because there were “not enough players to play the game,” said IHSA assistant executive director Craig Anderson. Anderson said he was told by the school’s athletic director, Chris Livatino, that the decision was made “because of suspensions and disciplining of players.”

“This would have been the opening game,” Anderson said. “I’m sure it’s disappointing.” Livatino could not be reached for comment this morning. In a letter to parents and guardians, ETHS Supt. Eric Witherspoon said the district had received a report that girls at the school had sent “inappropriate photos of themselves to ETHS boys who were members of the varsity baseball team, and some of the boys, in turn, were circulating the inappropriate photos.” In the letter, Witherspoon cautioned that “the incident above is not an isolated one. We know that as more and more young people become connected in the digital age, sexting will remain a top concern for parents and educators. Please take the time to educate yourself and your child about the consequences of sexting.”



“The incident above is not an isolated one”. Sooooo you mean this is exactly what teens do right? This is part of being in high school and being a young adult? That’s what you’re saying. So why not instead of trying to explain what is right and wrong let’s just not let anyone play baseball. That sounds great!


Here’s the biggest problem I have with this whole situation. All of these kids are going to go to college next year or the year after. Do you know what they’re going to do? They’re going to underage drink, they’re going to have sex, they’re going to do things they will probably regret. Trying to keep them all in some little safe haven coocoon makes zero sense. Its a fucking sext. No one died. No one crashed their car. No life is going to change. Banning the whole baseball team is just making it a billion times worse. Trying to get young people to stop doing what young people do makes it a billion times worse. And not letting a bunch of seniors play in the state tournament, taking away one of the best moments of their young lives, is so over the top it’s absurd. Common sense completely gone in Evanston I guess.