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While The Nats Didn't Land Cespedes, At Least Bryce Was Looking Great While Accepting His MVP Award

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So the Nats couldn’t land Cespedes…or virtually any other free agent they dangled huge stacks of cash at this offseason. They were begging Yo to come to DC and he just didn’t want to leave the Mets. I kinda respect that, a guy taking less to stay where he’s most comfortable, but it SUCKS when you’re imagining a lineup of Cespedes and Harper hitting back to back. So while Yo re-signed in New York, at least Bryce was looking…how do I say this as straightly as possible…hot as fuck while accepting his MVP award. Hate on him all you want, but if you can’t respect that hair and that suit than you are just a natural born hater and nothing will change you.

Also, looks like Bryce has been lifting a bit this offseason.

Is 500 pounds heavy?

Or a 55 inch box jump?

Guy is such a freak. Will be happy to have him for a couple more years in DC.

PS: I’m all about positive now he’s going to New York. Over the weekend I had the discussion on Twitter with Grant Paulsen if the Nats offered him 10 years, 350 million RIGHT NOW would he sign? I said no. I said Bryce wants 500 million, and he more than likely wants it in New York. Maybe I was just a bit bummed from the Cespedes thing, but the more I think about it the more I think Bryce doesn’t stay. I hope I’m so incredibly wrong but that’s my feelings about it at this exact moment.