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Marcus Vick Just Put LeSean McCoy On Blast, Claiming Shady Gave His Baby Momma Herpes


DAMN SONNNNNNNN! Shady stole Marcus Vick’s girl (not the worst upgrade by her), so Marcus tweeted to his followers that he has herpes. Is it true? Hard to say. However, being a Vick means you’re already an expert on herpes, so that does give him a ton of credibility. And LeSean McCoy is known for throwing orgies, so that piece of the puzzle adds up as well.

On the other hand, it’s such a classic move to pull when your girl upgrades. You have to get even, but you know some other dude is getting it on all up in your baby mama. So you go back to the well and tell everyone that person has an STD. Claiming someone has herpes is as old as time itself. Even before the 10th grade rumors about the slutty cheerleader, Eve bit into that apple to get back at Adam because the snake tweeted Adam had the herp. True story.

I always wonder though what is up with professional athletes going after other people’s baby mamas. The last thing I want is to put my dick in someone with a baby, especially Marcus Vick’s. The Vick family doesn’t have the best track record, so to speak. It is incredible to me how the NFL just passes chicks around like mashed potatoes at a Thanksgiving dinner though. Everyone seems to always be fucking someone else’s baby mama.

So does Shady have the herp? It’s not the first time he’s been accused of it.

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Stay tuned for more details as they emerge.