
Rate Cutler's Performance On The League Last Night

noonesacksacutler by random_sports


jay-cutler-and-kristin-cavallari-on-the-league-2jay-cutler-and-kristin-cavallari-on-the-league-1BUiFQLOCcAEgCK9.jpg large




Completely unbiased opinion. I gave it a 10.



The sack joke wasn’t funny though, that hit a little too close to home.


Vote 1 for it was the best acting ever and 10 for no chance he doesn’t get an emmy


1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars6 Stars7 Stars8 Stars9 Stars10 Stars (216 votes, average: 6.51 out of 10)



Totally aside. Is Jenny the hottest TV mom going right now? I think she is right? I mean I know there are much hotter chicks on the internet but I always fall for characters. I’m a sucker like that. Dogs, funny/sexy TV characters, and strippers. Instant love.The heart wants what the heart wants I guess.


THE LEAGUE: Katie Aselton. THE LEAGUE premieres on FX. CR: F. Scott Schaferscreen-shot-2012-01-17-at-11-06-09-pmscreen-shot-2012-01-17-at-10-57-56-pmscreen-shot-2012-01-17-at-10-57-18-pmscreen-shot-2012-01-17-at-10-24-15-pm