
Obama Says Reason Election Is Close Is Because "Misinformation" From Conservative Media

Yes this election is tight. As I write this, Real Clear Politics‘ national average of polls over the last 2 weeks has Hillary at 44.9%, Trump at 44.0%. In crucial swing states Florida and Ohio, Trump holds small leads.

But this Obama line is ridiculous.

“This should not be a close election, but it will be. And the reason it will be is not because of Hillary’s flaws…”
Did he even hold a straight face saying that? Is that possible? Yeah of course we’re a polarized society. That and our Founding Fathers being geniuses are the main reasons the power has swung back and forth in the House, Senate, and White House for centuries. But to claim that Hillary’s flaws aren’t the reason this particular election is close, instead blaming it on the conservative media?

Bro, this graph goes from massive Hillary lead to tied to massive Hillary lead to tied for a reason.

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That ain’t one side of the media’s fault. That ain’t Rush Limbaugh going on some hollow rant all the sudden pulling the national averages together. That’s her fault. She’s flawed as fuck and Barry knows it. That’s why he dusted her in ’08. I mean, when you have to say “this election is really close but NOT because of Hillary’s flaws” you’re straight up telling everyone it’s because of Hillary’s flaws. He actually might be vying for the nomination at this point.

I think what he meant to say was “holy fuck I’m such an idiot for forgetting to executive order the removal of the 22nd amendment so that I could swoop in and win a third term in the biggest landslide since 1984 and now I have to campaign for this complete trainwreck.” Just came out wrong.