This Iowa City Man Who Hiked From Mexico To Canada Can Go Fuck Himself
Press-Citizen-Last summer, Beau Baker took time off from his job at Reach for Your Potential Inc., an Iowa City company that provides residential services to people with disabilities, to complete the Continental Divide Trail, which took him from the border of Mexico through states including New Mexico, Colorado and Montana, north to the Canadian border. Baker said his hiking experiences have been filled with well-spent alone time and loneliness, with spectacular views and ho-hum landscapes. Sometimes there was a trail to follow, but other times he had to make his own path. “You kind of have to get rid of the idea of being lost,” he said. Baker said the Continental Divide Trail is among the hardest in the nation because of its remoteness and ruggedness. “It’s like earning your doctorate degree,” he said.
Here’s video of Beau Baker rambling on about his pointless accomplishment.
I have one question for Beau Baker: Why? Why would you hike from Mexico to Canada? There’s no conceivable reason to do that other than you’re just trying to show off and nobody likes a show off. It’s 2013. Nobody hikes anymore because humans don’t have to. We have planes, trains and automobiles. Beau could’ve hopped on a plane and been to Canada in just a few hours. Oh, but then nobody would’ve patted him on the back for doing something so stupid people don’t know what to do other than give him an empty congratulations. And what was all that talk about the hiking Triple Crown? There’s no way Beau didn’t make that up on the spot because I refuse to believe that exists. You know who hikes in 2013? Homeless people. Homeless people hike because they have to. They don’t practice by walking the Appalachian Trail or the Oregon Trail or whatever Beau was yammering on about. They practice by being homeless 365 days a year. They have no other means of transportation. Homeless people would be laughing at Beau if they had access to computers. Mexico to Canada is a Sunday stroll for them. So congratulations Beau Baker, you’re a homeless man who hiked hundreds of miles when nobody asked you to. We’re all so proud.
Side Note: When he said the words “nurturing my dream” in that video I almost threw my laptop out the window. Absolutely absurd.