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This Picture From My Wendy Williams Appearance Is A First Ballot Hall of Fame Barstool Picture


By now you all know about my trip to The Wendy Williams Show yesterday. I was lost in a sea of sassy black women and gay dudes listening to Queen Wendy talking about celebrity gossip. But yesterday after the show aired this picture surfaced and I think I have no choice but to get this blown up into an enormous poster and hang it up. To be honest I think I want an artists rendering. Like a big oil painting. Some Van Gogh shit. Its that legendary.

For those who have no idea what this is even about, when Wendy Williams makes her appearance she says “How you doooin?” like this:


And so thats what you do when you’re in the crowd. You give her a How You Doin right back. So thats me doing one of the best How You Doin’s you’ve ever seen.

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I’d say its the best one of all time but I’m not even the best one in this screenshot. Not even the second best one. Between this woman:

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And the Julie Bowen look alike:

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Your boy is barely getting the Bronze Medal. Got a long way to go if I ever wanna consider myself a real fan of Wendy.

PS – Its honestly haunting me that I didnt make the final cut to get on the air during this show. It would have been a truly unforgettable moment if I got up there and explained how I was in the doghouse for getting shitfaced after the Mets were eliminated for the playoffs and I needed advice on how to smooth things over. That question, on air, with Wendy Williams, with my wife sitting right next to me, would have gone down as an all time in internet folklore.