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Minor League Goalie Garret Sparks Suspended "Indefinitely" For A Message He Sent Defending A Handicapped Person In a Private Facebook Conversation

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Ok so there’s the screenshot that got him suspended. A little threat to kick someone’s ass, but nothing too terrible. Didn’t drop any trigger words, just told a kid he was going to beat him up and said he’s a bitchy little girl. Pretty standard stuff.

Well, the Marlies, the Maple Leafs AHL team, was none too pleased and suspended him indefinitely. Yes, suspended indefinitely, for that. Seriously.

But wait until you hear the context of his message:

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Garret was trying to get people to donate equipment to the disabled and that guy Tyler was making a big deal out of it. We can only see one of his messages in the screenshot, but it’s clear he was going on and on forever about it, and Garret lost his cool.

When I originally saw the headline that he was suspended, I thought he maybe dropped some “faggots” or worse. But nope. Just a “I’ll kick your bitchy ass” because Tyler wouldn’t stfu about not wanting to donate to the disabled.

And then leave it to bitchy Tyler to leak the conversation, which I still don’t even think is that bad. I hate bitchy Tyler, and hope the Marlies reverse their decision because clearly suspending him is not the right move here.

h/t Peter