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There's A Clinic In California That'll Pump You Full Of A Teenager's Blood For The Low Cost Of $8,000

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BI- Just off a winding highway along the Pacific coast in Monterey, California, is a private clinic where people can pay $8,000 to have their veins pumped with blood plasma from teenagers and young adults. Jesse Karmazin is the entrepreneur who made the practice possible, by launching a clinical trial on the potential of “young blood” through his startup Ambrosia. He says that within a month, most participants “see improvements” from the one-time infusion of a two-liter bagful of plasma, which is blood with the blood cells removed. Several scientists and clinicians say Karmazin’s trial is so poorly designed it cannot hope to provide evidence about the effects of the transfusions. And some say the pay-to-participate study, with the potential to collect up to $4.8 million from as many as 600 participants, amounts to a scam. What’s certain is that it’s based on some intriguing if inconclusive science. Karmazin, a 32-year-old Princeton graduate and competitive rower, says he was inspired by studies on mice that researchers had sewn together, with their veins conjoined, in a procedure called parabiosis. Over the last decade or so, such studies have offered provocative clues that certain hallmarks of aging can be reversed or accelerated when old mice get blood from young ones. Yet these studies have come to conflicting conclusions. An influential 2013 paper in Cell showed that a particular component in young blood, GDF11, increased muscle strength, for example, but other researchers could not replicate the finding.


Scam city. I got through 3 sentences in that article and already knew it was a scam. It basically says, “Hey this rogue clinic in California will pump you full of teenage blood and it’ll probably have zero positive effects. The guy who runs the clinic says it’ll make you live longer but zero other scientists have found this to be true.” And you know what? It’ll still make money because rich people exist. If I were rich I would 4000% give this a shot. It’s a stroke of genius by the rogue scientist because the only people who wanna live longer are rich people. That’s a fantastic market to corner. Everyone else in the world is like 50/50 on whether they’d wanna live longer. On the one hand, you’d get to see a few more presidents. On the other hand, living longer just means more bills. I’m more than happy to just die when I’m supposed to. Rich people though? They wanna live longer cause their lives are awesome. $8,000 is ash tray money. They’d pay $800,000. If it works, great. If it doesn’t, well they tried.

PS- I hate to ask the obvious but where do they get the blood of teenagers? Am I gonna get disappeared by rich people for even asking that question? SCATTER!