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Mike Tomlin Pretends to be Mad at Antonio Brown "Asshole" Video


Nice try, Tomlin. This business of “foolish, selfish and inconsiderate” might flying in Western PA, but you can’t bullshit a six-state region of bullshitters. And you can’t run your team as an anarchic, consequence-free environment and then act mad when your players run amok.

It doesn’t work like that. At least when they respect their coach. You’re in the middle of the video trying to tell everyone to cool it with the social media and Antonio Brown never flinched. You’re trying to huddle up your troops for a pep talk, and half the guys kept mugging for Brown’s 40,000 followers, barely within earshot. As the lawyers say, you can’t unring that bell, just because Brown recorded you calling the Patriots “assholes.”

Jerod Mayo was on TV yesterday saying that he once got a call from Bill Belichick telling him that if he has any social media accounts, to delete them. That was the day they drafted him. In 2008. Back when social media was a 1-900 number and maybe an AOL account. When Facebook was in its infancy and SnapFace, MyFace and Instant Chat* were science fiction. That’s why his guys will never be caught dead pulling these stunts and yours just did. In the meantime, we won’t hold our breath waiting for the “punishment.” From you or the league.

(*These are all terms Belichick has called things.)