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If You Don't Respect North Korea's Female Assasin Wearing An LOL Sweatshirt When She Murdered Kim Jong Un's Half Brother You Have A Big Dump In Your Pants


I know it’s not generally PC to say this but I’m a huge North Korea fan. If you can just pretend it’s fake life and ignore the fact that real people are getting murdered this shit is hilarious. Like I just think of North Korea as the bad guys in a Tarrintino movie or something and it makes everything they do very funny. I mean a female assassin murdering some dude in an airport while wearing an LOL sweatshirt? Fucking awesome. That’s how you be a bad guy. You don’t just murder somebody. You do it with style, panache and flair. You wear kitchie sweatshirts that are a play on words. Like hey I’m murdering you LOL….It a pun that works on so many levels.

But honestly that’s not even the point of this blog. When I first saw this sexy assain wearing the LOL sweatshirt I instantly thought “If you don’t respect this move you have a big dump in you pants” Of course that’s a quote from the great Hurricane Peter McNeeley. Well I googled McNeely and pulled up a couple of his all time interviews. I don’t think I say this enough. Hurricane Peter McNeely may have been the most entertaining boxer who ever lived. I mean look at these videos. Forget the chick assassin in the LOL sweatshirt. THIS is showmanship. This is entertainment. A part of me thinks Barstool should have a Hurricane Peter McNeely day once a year at Barstool. Just paying our respects to one of the great shooting starts in the history of sports and entertainment. And if you don’t respect that than you truly do have a big dump in your pants.