
This New Stanley Cup Commercial Will Give You So Many Chills and Goosebumps

The NHL is so good at commercials it’s crazy.

Last year’s “Name” commercial knocked it out of the park

And the 2010 “No Words” commercial is my favorite commercial of all time.

And now this year’s “Imperfectly Perfect” gave me so many chills. The Caps have 19 more regular season games until the real fun begins, and I wake up sweating every morning at 4am. Of course I make the “our year” jokes, but shit do I want to see them win the Cup more than I want to touch a boob. It’s all I want. To finally get this 8 billion pound gorilla off their backs, and DC’s back. To finally be able to be in one of these awesome NHL commercials. I’m getting nervous just typing this. Can’t wait though, because let’s say the Caps don’t win the Cup for the 90th straight year, the NHL playoffs are still the best playoffs in all of sports, and watching guys lift the Cup will never not give me goosebumps.