
Justice Is Restored: The Catfish Tosser's Charges Have Been Dropped


Yesterday on River Monsters… Pittsburgh Is Basically North Korea: Man Who Threw Catfish On Ice At Game 1 Is Being Charged

Today via Pittsburgh Post-GazetteThe charges against a 36-year-old Tennessee man who threw a dead catfish on the ice during Game 1 of the Stanley Cup final on Monday will be withdrawn, according to Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala.

“Having reviewed the affidavit involving Mr. [Jacob] Waddell as well as the television coverage of the incident, District Attorney Zappala has made the determination that the actions of Mr. Waddell do not rise to the level of criminal charges,” spokesman Mike Manko said in a statement Wednesday. “As such, the three charges filed against Mr. Waddell will be withdrawn in a timely manner.”

In other words, Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala saw that I was going to dust off my lawyers shoes, fight him and the city of Pittsburgh for all they’re worth and whoop their ass in a court of law.

I’m just glad that the city of Pittsburgh finally came to their senses. One moment you’re throwing innocent men in jail for using a dead catfish as an “instrument of a crime”. The next moment you’re acting as if you’re some culinary geniuses because you threw soggy french fries on a shitty sandwich on gross bread. It’s a slippery slope. A path you don’t want to find yourself going down. Pittsburgh gave us a scare but after the rest of the world made fun of them relentlessly for 24 hours, they finally smartened up and did the right thing. Maybe there’s some hope for them after all.

Sidenote: Game 2. There better be at least a baker’s dozen of those slimy bastards thrown on the ice tonight.
