
Alberto Del Rio Is Being Investigated For Domestic Battery

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TMZ Sports- Wrestling superstar Alberto Del Rio is being investigated for an alleged domestic violence incident at a Florida airport … TMZ Sports has learned.

We’re told the Orlando PD was contacted around 3 PM on Sunday after Alberto — real name Jose Rodriguez — allegedly roughed up a female companion. We spoke with witnesses who tell us Alberto and the woman were arguing in the terminal and when things escalated, cops were called. As one witness put it, “There was an altercation.”

Cops would not confirm the name of the alleged victim. However, Alberto has been in a real-life relationship with WWE superstar Paige for a while and witnesses say she was at the airport with Alberto that day.

This story sucks because I feel like I’ve been sitting on it for months now. I don’t want this to be an “insider”/”name dropping” blog, but I’m going to tell you what I know about the situation. I have a lot of mutual friends with Alberto Del Rio and Paige (Paige in particular), and ever since they started dating last May, their lives and professional careers have been sent into a tailspin. Paige in particular, as she’s only 24 and has an entire life ahead of her. Del Rio lost his 1.45 million dollar contract with WWE because he’s also allegedly a fucking dirtbag.

When Paige started dating this married man twice her age, she lost touch with most – if not all of her friends, left the WWE (she’s still employed but attempted to quit at one point), and allegedly got addicted to some heavy drugs. This part is legitimately alleged, as I don’t have a direct source telling me it’s 100%, but instead many smaller sources speculating based on a plethora of signs.

Another theme of their relationship has been photos of her with bruising around her forearms and throat. Most throat pictures, if addressed, have been chalked up to the neck surgery she got a few weeks before a video of Alberto grabbing her by the neck came out.

Other pictures include:

Del Rio has become notorious for no-showing appearances and dates and coming up with elaborate excuses as to why he wasn’t able to make it. The most famous was an apparent stabbing in Texas that was extremely fishy, as there weren’t any visible wounds days later or police reports filed. He also just posted this cringeworthy Instagram threat on Saturday because the Usos made a joke about Paige’s sex tape with Xavier Woods on SmackDown.

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The guy is a mess, and he’s the face of TNA/GFW. They apparently are cool with it, too.

“Global Force Wrestling takes all legal situations very seriously and is looking into this matter. GFW is a privately-held company and will thoroughly investigate this incident and fully cooperate with law enforcement.”

The narrative that there was domestic abuse going on in this relationship isn’t new, and while this TMZ report doesn’t state Paige was the woman involved, she was seen with him in the airport, and her story is just ridiculous.


I just hope Paige gets the help she needs.