Hey Check It Out, This Dog's Ear Looks Like Donald Trump. That's Fucking Wild Man!
Here’s a Dog
That’s Donald Trump! Inside the dogs ear. That’s wild man. Maybe I had too long of a weekend and my hungover shitty brain is just a permanent disability now* but this is freaking me out. President Donald Trump is inside of that dog’s ear. I don’t condone selling your dog but I feel like you could sell this dog for a lot of money. Like when an old woman finds Jesus Christ in her toast and makes millions. Your dog has Donald Trump in its ear. That’s wild man. Absolutely wild.
*I think I’ve reached the point where I just feel hungover all the time no matter what. Has anyone else gotten there? Whether I drink or don’t drink doesn’t really matter. If its Monday morning I feel like absolute garbage. If its Tuesday, same, and so on and so forth. I’d say once a month I wake up and feel good. I’m just rambling at this point because my stomach hurts and my head feels like its in a vice after a weekend of beer and pizza but I guess my point is everything kind of sucks when you get older. Damn.
I think the dog needs help to see a vet, so the owner has a GoFundMe. I’m sure this won’t get political. Help the dog if you can!