
The Lax Stache Madness Bracket Has Been Released And The Stache-Off Tournament Is Underway


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If you’ve been following along, you know that we are in the middle of the HEADstrong Foundation’s Lax Stache Madness. A 6-week period where college lacrosse programs across the country come together and grow out their muzzies to raise money for families who are seeking cancer treatment in the Philadelphia area. We’re just over a week into November and the teams have combined to raise over $100,000 already. The campaign’s goal was to raise $200,000 so we’re well on our way there.

Anyway, it wouldn’t be enough to just have a bunch of college lacrosse teams grow out their mustaches and not add a competitive aspect to it. So here we have all the teams looking to be crowned the Lax Stache Champion. Over 70 teams in the tournament which means there are over 70 teams raising money. College lacrosse players are used to being the butt of jokes but this is something that you can’t take away from them. If you’re reading this blog right now, your life has been impacted in one way or another by a cancer diagnosis. It’s a disease that affects everybody and it’s great to see these teams get involved and do whatever they can to help, even if it means they need to put the razors away and look like creeps for a month to raise money for families in need. So the team with the largest incremental gain at the end of the round will advance to the next so it’s more about the fundraising than the staches themselves. But let’s check in and see how some of the boys are doing this season.

If Mason Witzler wasn’t sitting at the grown ups table at Thanksgiving dinner before, he sure as heck just got his invite this year. He may even be able to grab the head of the table with that duster.


It’s always great when the team headshot day falls in the middle of Lax Stache Madness. The Limestone lacrosse team is that team that your momma warned you about. Just a couple of bad hombres with killer staches.

Here’s what the Christopher Newport team was rocking with last year. Here’s to hoping they already notified all the parents with small children at every playground within 50 yards not to be alarmed if they come across any of these fellas.

And as for myself? Well I think this is the year I’m finally starting to hit puberty and can actually grow a somewhat respectable Mo.


So best of luck to all the growers out there and best of luck to the teams in the tournament. Gotta admit that I’ll be pulling for some of the smaller schools here. When else could we ever see Chestnut Hill College lacrosse beat Cornell in a tournament? Nowhere besides Lax Stache Madness.

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And while Lax Stache Madness is taking care of the outdoor game, the indoor game is also getting plenty involved this Movember.

Dan Lomas (certified beauty) and the Rochester Knighthawks of the NLL are currently growing out their lip sweaters for “Mustaches for Cancer”. A charity campaign that directly benefits the free cancer support programming provided by Gilda’s Club Rochester to men, women, teens, and kids in the Rochester community. Lot of great work coming out of the lacrosse community this month. You can Click Here To Donate to that cause as well.

P.S. – If any of you Stoolies out there are currently growing out your stache for a good cause, feel free to send in a photo and a link to whatever charity you’re growing for. Would be nice to get a Stoolie Movember Roundup blog up next week or something.
