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Vancouver University In Trouble For Not Putting The Kabosh On A 40-Year-Old Student Who Liked Dressing Up As A Baby And Sending Diaper Pics To His Professors

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Daily Mail- A Canadian University has found itself in the middle of a human rights complaint after a male student came to school with disturbing child fetishes including wearing diapers and having the stories of Beatrix Potter read to him by an English professor.

Roth says she learned that the student harassed several women, complimenting them on their clothing while leering at their chests, repeatedly asking staff members to go on dates, and following female staff members.

The complaint reveals how in 2015, the man submitted a photo of himself partially nude alongside a dirty diaper as part of an English essay. 

On two occasions the man is alleged to have asked the university’s nurse to change his dirty diapers, although she refused the second time.

Even in emails, he communicated in childish, baby talk opening a message ‘Hewoh’.

He wrote about how he had enjoyed the day’s stories, ‘especially the pee pee part!’ and then went onto reveal how he ‘sometimes call people poo poo heads.’ 

Come on, guys. Are we really angry with this little baby boy for sending dirty diaper selfies to his professors? I thought America was trying to be more accepting of all sexual preferences. I have a thing for women who read; this guy has a thing for nannies. And not for nothing, how impressive is it for a baby to go to college? Can’t even change his own diaper but he’s writing essays and biking through the quad with a scarf around his neck.

Couple strange things that stood out:

On two occasions the man is alleged to have asked the university’s nurse to change his dirty diapers, although she refused the second time.

Refused the second time? What the fuck happened the FIRST time?! Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me into changing a 40-year-old’s dirty diaper, I shouldn’t be employed as the university nurse. That should be a one-strike-and-yer-out offense. The guy is 40! What the fucking hell could have gone down for her to change it once?

Second, I need to know what the essay prompt was for the essay he turned in with the diaper selfie. If he’s writing a paper about adult men dressed as babies, I don’t see a problem with it. That’s a visual aid. Essays are so much more interesting with some pictures. Guy deserves a B+ at least for immersing himself in the project. But if he’s writing a paper about the mating habits of giraffes, well, it’s tough to spin that photo in there. A picture of himself banging a giraffe would have been far more appropriate.

I don’t know, guys. It’s hard for me not to laugh at this one. It’s just so hard to find a guy who enjoys the “pee pee part” and who “sometimes calls people poo poo head” a sexual menace. If I’m a female staffer at the college, and this overgrown man-infant approaches me in a threatening way, I shove a binky in his mouth and tell him to go to his room. Problem solved, and he probably cums himself. Everyone’s a winner.