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Enes Kanter Hit LeBron With A Solid Troll Tweet After LeBron Got Ejected For The First Time In His Career

Yeah I know this is stupid and petty as hell. But 90% of the most entertaining stuff in the NBA is one or both of those things. I can’t believe I am saying it, but I officially am all-in on the #Me7o trade. Not because the deal was perfect or the Knicks are now good because of it. I actually think the Knicks are a decent home team that will struggle mightily once the schedule becomes road-heavy. But I love the trade because Emo #Me7o is no longer our problem and Enes Kanter is fucking great. Yeah he is one of those rah rah guys that can grate on you if he’s not on your team. But I have to love a guy that refused to let LeBron push aside his team’s number 1 pick and chirp Bron on principle alone. And there is noooooo fucking way LeBron is flipping water bottles at the end of the bench last year without interruption if Kanter was on the Knicks. Someone that doesn’t let the Knicks get clowned at home always reminds me of the 90s Knicks I loved while growing up, so Kanter is forever gucci in my book. I didn’t think I would fall in love with a 6’11” Turkish dude this November. But here we are. The NBA is truly where amazing happens.

And the best part of all of this is how LeBron responded to the tweet.

That response in meme form:


Again, the guy that Instagrammed this


And has had enough Instagram dance parties to give Portnoy unlimited Highlights Without Rights material said that someone else loves attention. What a fucking joker. Even if Kanter isn’t half the player LeBron is, it’s nice to have someone out there call him on his bullshit. I can’t wait to hear how Kanter disrespected LeBron as a father for using his #StriveForGreatness hashtag.

Okay I’ll come clean. I was in love with Kanter the minute I saw the Underkanter video.

Love that dude with all my heart.