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Camel Beauty Pageant Marred In Controversy After It's Discovered That Some Of The Camels Were Using Botox

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IBTimes- Saudi Arabian camel herders are going to extraordinary lengths to make sure they have the best-looking animals in the business by injecting them with Botox to make them more ‘handsome’. The widespread practice has resulted in over a dozen expulsions from a recent camel beauty contest, Reuters reports. The unscrupulous entrants were thrown out of the competition by suspicious authorities who have pledged a crackdown on the growing practice. “Camels that are found with drugs in the lips, shaved, dyed in any parts of the body, or with changes from natural form are not allowed [sic],” authorities warned last year. The beauty contest is part of the King Abdulaziz festival taking place outside the Saudi capital this month, with hundreds of thousands of visitors expected to attend. The month-long festival is big business and millions of dollars are expected to change hands during the course of the event.

I mean if I had a dollar for every time a story like this happened I’d be a rich man. We’ve seen this so many times that it’s bordering on cliche at this point. Classic camel beauty pageant drama. It was only a matter of time before this happened honestly. There’s so much money changing hands at these things that the camels were bound to be willing to do anything to get an edge on the competition. Not that my opinion matters but why can’t the camels use botox? It’s a beauty pageant. Would it be illegal for the camels to get a boob job? Or a tummy tuck? Or a nose job? Someone with knowledge of the camel beauty pageant handbook needs to provide me with answers.

All joking aside, I bet the punishment for this type of behavior is HARSH and swift. We’re not talking about a fine and a slap on the wrist here. We’re not even talking about a lengthy suspension. The person who dared mess with the integrity of the camel beauty pageant is already dead and buried. His family is already dead. Any trace of his existence and blood line has been wiped off the face of the universe. This isn’t a laughing matter across the pond. I’m sure you can get away with some shady shit in Saudi Arabia but rigging the camel beauty contest by way of botox ain’t one of them.